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Remote work myths


As remote work is redefining the modern professional landscape, myths and misconceptions surrounding this flexible workstyle continue. Many people assume that working remotely (and becoming a digital nomad for some) is far-fetched and unachievable. In this blog post, I’ll debunk common remote work myths and show you a clear picture of how this lifestyle is easier to achieve than you believe.

If you’re not sure where to start, I suggest checking out this article with the best remote job sites that I compiled. You can also have a read through this post where I break down the different steps you need to take to become a digital nomad. This means that you’ll have location independence and will be able to work from multiple places! Now let’s go through those myths stopping you from getting that remote job you want.

Myth: Remote Jobs Are Limited to Tech Roles

Remote work isn’t exclusive to the tech industry. This is by far the most common thing people ask me: did you study computer science or IT? I studied economics and work in marketing – reinvent yourself! That’s the beauty of the world we live in. Countless roles across various sectors, including customer service, administration, and writing, offer remote opportunities. Companies are increasingly recognizing the benefits of diverse remote talent, expanding the range of available positions.

Myth: You need to be from the US or Europe to work remotely

Another one I often hear: but you’re from the US, so you’re eligible. Yes, I do have US citizenship (however, I’m from Costa Rica and studied in China) but I know plenty of people who have remote jobs and have never even stepped foot in the US or Europe. Companies that are open-minded know and understand that outsourcing is an excellent way to grow your company by employing people that cost less to hire.

Hiring people from abroad also has a great advantage: not dealing with taxes. I actually hire people from abroad for some projects here and there. I’ve hired multiple people on Fiverr from Nigeria, Bangladesh, Germany and the Philippines. I personally don’t care where the person is from as long as they have good communication skills and know how to deliver their work. If you find a remote job, there’s a high chance your boss won’t pay your taxes or insurance – that’s something you have to deal with. Making it much easier for the employer.



Remote works myths
Myth: Remote Jobs Don’t Pay Good Salaries

You won’t be paid the same rates as people who are based in the country where the company is located, but the salaries will definitely be higher than what you’re earning in your own country. If you’re not 100% confident, you can have a look at these jobs that require no experience to start working remotely.

Time is money. If you have to spend two hours commuting back and forth every day, that’s time wasted where you could be resting or getting other work done. That’s the beauty of remote work. You’ll actually get a lot more done around the house. By the time you finish your work shift, you could even be done with tasks at home. Spending money on gas or public transportation is also something to take into consideration. You’ll be saving money working from home.

Myth: Remote Workers Can’t Advance Their Careers

Advancing in your career while working remotely is absolutely possible. Virtual networking, online professional development courses, and regular communication with supervisors can help remote workers climb the career ladder and achieve their professional goals.

The beauty of remote work is that you’re no longer limited by your location. You are now free to pursue jobs from all over the world – meaning more access to better employment. One of IG connections who is now a good friend of mine, Ate, slid into an influencer’s DMs to offer her services when she was 18. Fast forward a few years and she now owns a media agency – she’s not even 25 yet. She’s from Romania and managed to snag US clients, all through networking. And the internet.

remote works myths
Myth: I need to speak perfect English

Speaking English well is definitely an advantage. Personally, if you don’t, it’s something I’d work on as part of my professional and personal development. No, I’m not talking about an accent. Everybody has an accent. Like I’ve said before, as long as you have the skills, knowledge and know how to market those, you’re hireable.

What if you’re not confident with your English? Can you get a remote only speaking your native language? Yes, you can. But you won’t have as many options. In this case, I’d suggest looking through local Facebook groups for remote jobs. I know people think FB is dead but it’s still a great platform for resources and connections. And in the meantime, I’d work on improving my English. Duo Lingo is great as a free resource but it’s not going to get you to speak. I speak 5 languages now, and I’d personally recommend Babbel as an affordable app (much better than Duo Lingo) and Preply if you can afford to pay for oral tutoring.



remote works myths
How to move forward from here?
  • Update your CV.
  • Start applying for jobs consistently
  • Take advantage of free and affordable courses from Udemy and Coursera to level up your profile.
  • Check out my other remote work resources!

I have friends from Pakistan, Argentina, Nicaragua, Malawi and more that have been able to find remote work. If they can do it, so can you. If you come from a European or North American country, then you have even more opportunities of finding jobs.

As remote work becomes more prevalent, it’s important to dispel the myths surrounding this workstyle. Embracing the truth about remote work opens up new possibilities for professionals seeking a balanced and flexible career path. Don’t let misconceptions hold you back – remote work might just be the key to unlocking your full potential and starting to live out your dream life!

a woman posing in the water

Hey there, and welcome to Go Global with Sibu! I’m a global citizen that has been living and traveling around the world since 2005 – all through budget travel, scholarships, study/work and living abroad opportunities.  I share everything I’ve learned over the years here – to prove to you that you don’t need money or privilege to enjoy everything that this world has to offer. 

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