Personal Finance Club Review: How This Course Changed My Financial Game
Education nowadays can be useless. We spend years learning useless math but have no idea how to manage our own money, including budgeting, saving, investing, and planning for future financial goals. This is what people refer to as personal finance. And yes, it’s being taught in more progressive places but most of us will grow up knowing nothing about how to manage our finances.
Despite my academic background in economics, I realized I knew almost nothing about personal finance until I took the Personal Finance Club course. Taking the course marked a turning point for me, in so many unexpected ways.
In this post, I’ll share what personal finance is, why it’s crucial for everyone to understand, and how this course specifically helped me build a net worth and investment portfolio that has already seen a 12% increase since May 2021!

Why Do We Need to Study Personal Finance?
Studying personal finance gives us the tools to make smart financial decisions and avoid common money traps. It’s about understanding and implementing habits that can help you grow your wealth over time and protect it from unnecessary loss. Learning about this is also necessary if you don’t plan on working until you die. Given the current economic situation, I cannot say if we’ll receive enough of a pension from our countries when we retire. But the lack of education goes beyond pensions: it’s why so many people struggle with debt, insufficient savings, and financial stress.
In my case, a degree in economics can teach you how economies function, the principles of supply and demand, and how financial markets work – but it may still leave you clueless about your own financial situation. The one thing that I did take from that Bachelor’s degree was the power of compound interest and index funds. I knew the principles, but I wasn’t in the US, and thought that was exclusive for people living there.

What Is Personal Finance, really?
Personal finance is the management of one’s finances with a focus on budgeting, saving, investing, debt management, and retirement planning. Basically, it’s the process of creating a financial roadmap that allows you to use money as a tool to reach your personal goals – whether that’s buying a house, taking a dream vacation, or retiring early.
Personal finance includes:
- Budgeting – Knowing where your money goes and making it work for you.
- Saving and Investing – Building wealth and growing your money over time.
- Debt Management – Minimizing and managing debt to avoid costly interest payments.
- Retirement Planning – Ensuring you have enough saved for a comfortable life after work.
Why Is Personal Finance Important?
Understanding personal finance is essential because it gives you control over your financial life. When you know how to handle your money, you’re able to make choices that align with your goals instead of reacting to financial stress. And for me, it’s ultimately a tool to help me reach a comfortable financial level. As a daughter of parents that come from working class families, I wanted to go beyond aiming for necessities, which is what the mentality they grew up with.

My Experience with Personal Finance Club
I first came across Personal Finance Club through social media. The course was extremely affordable, but I decided to purchase it during one of their sales, which they have a few of every year. The reviews were great, and everything they said online lined up with my beliefs. It was a 7-hour course then and I learned TONS. It took me a week to finish it and the moment I did I was already opening accounts and investing. The course is structured in a way that breaks down personal investing fundamentals into actionable, digestible steps. For someone with an economics background, this was refreshing. It wasn’t about complex financial stuff – it was about my money, my future, and my financial habits.
After completing the course, here’s what I achieved:
- Increased Net Worth: I’d never invested in my life. My net worth was just basically my savings. This course allowed me to start building wealth. The money I’ve invested so far I’ve never touched. I was saving when I could before. I now have an actual net worth.
- 12% Investment Growth: I finally understood how to make my money work for me through investing. I finally saw how compound interest was working in my favor. After doing the math, I realized my investments have grown 12% since I began investing.
- Financial Confidence: The course provided me with a solid foundation that made financial decisions easier and less intimidating. It taught me to view personal finance as something that’s extremely easy to do once you start! And now all I have to keep doing is to keep investing and keep my money there.

What if the market collapses?
I get asked this valid question very often. Now, if there’s anything I got from my Economics degree is that unless there’s an apocalypse and the whole world collapses, the markets will continue to run. Period. Yes, it’s a rollercoaster, but over and over again it will drop and then recover with even better stats than before.
If you don’t believe me, you can easily look up PFC’s statistics or even ask Chat GPT. Markets continue to grow, and investing in index funds is amazing because it allows you to diversify and invest in US, global stocks and bonds. This will be allocated differently depending on your age, meaning that the older you are the less risky your investments will be.

What Makes Personal Finance Club Different?
Yes, PFC is extremely affordable. It’s super easy to understand – no degree required!
But the best part, and the one that I wasn’t expecting, was the community.
I joined their Office Hours, their FB group, and found myself surrounded by like-minded people who wanted to learn and were eager to improve their lifestyles.
Not only did I grow up in a toxic environment where people prioritized spending over finances, but my university days were also the same. People who needed to spend and show off just to prove a point. That was tough, but with time I learned that the people who you’re friends with WILL impact how you spend and how you care about money. I share the tips on how I grew out of that environment here.
PFC allows you to connect with people like you! And the best part, is that you can connect with them offline! I started meeting some of the community members in person through meetups back in 2021, and some I can now count as some of my best friends, as wild as that may seem.
If that’s not something you’re looking for, their online community is super supportive and will always answer any questions or doubts you may have… for free!

Final Thoughts: Personal Finance Is a Game, and you gotta be in it for the long-run
Learning the principles of personal finance and putting them into action was a game-changer. I realized that building wealth isn’t just for the rich or for financial experts – it’s for anyone willing to learn and make a commitment and change for their future. Thanks to Personal Finance Club, I’m confident, prepared, and motivated to reach financial independence. If you’re ready to take control of your financial future, I can’t recommend it enough. And if you’re still a bit confused about finances or how to start, check out their investing advisors! With flat fees and no one pushing you to buy life insurance or manage your wealth, just straightforward help.

Hey there, and welcome to Go Global with Sibu! I’m a global citizen that has been living and traveling around the world since 2005 – all through budget travel, scholarships, study/work and living abroad opportunities. I share everything I’ve learned over the years here – to prove to you that you don’t need money or privilege to enjoy everything that this world has to offer.