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how to visit Socotra

How to visit Socotra: a comprehensive guide to visit this unique island

Socotra, an isolated island in the Arabian Sea, is renowned for its unique biodiversity and breathtaking landscapes. They call this the Gapalagos of the Indian Ocean, and visiting it is like stepping into a world created by AI. Landscapes you won’t find anywhere else in the world, no crowds and friendly locals is what awaits you here. The question that comes to most people’s minds is: how to visit Socotra? This guide will cover everything you need to know about visiting Socotra, including travel logistics and

how to visit Socotra
Safety Considerations

Is Socotra Safe to Visit?

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. The number one question that comes to mind when talking about Socotra. Despite Yemen’s broader humanitarian crisis, Socotra is safe for tourists. The island is governed by the UAE, despite belonging to Yemen. This ensures stability and security. These won’t be reflected in travel advisories from around the world.

Socotra’s population is affected by sanctions and high prices when it comes to importing goods. This aside, the island is extremely safe and the main risks while staying on it can be anything adventure-related, which can happen anywhere in the world. There are no consulates or foreign representation on the island, and this is one of the main reasons why it’s not categorized differently from mainland Yemen. You can read more about how biased travel advisories can be here.

how to visit Socotra
Now does this look dangerous to you? No crowds and some of the best nature in the world!
Travel Logistics

Flights to Socotra

Flights to Socotra are exclusively available from Abu Dhabi, with 2-3 humanitarian flights per week during the high season (October-April). They only had one flight per week until very recently. Each ticket costs $960 USD per person, a fixed price that cannot be bought online. Instead, you must hire an agency to secure your flight. This fee is subsidized; locals pay a reduced fare, with international visitors covering the remainder to subsidize the Socotri’s flights.

By increasing the number of flights, that means that the number of tourists is also going to increase. We don’t know if the island will remain untouched and will grow in a sustainable way, or if it will get exploited by tourists like they do in many other places around the world. My suggestion is to go soon.

Logistics of the flights

The flights might be delayed, and since there are a limited number, most agencies will advise you to stay 1-2 days in Abu Dhabi before and after your tour to use as a buffer. Once you have decided to go, your flight to Socotra is the first thing that needs to be arranged because of its limited availability. Once this is done you can most probably pay the price of the tour in installments or in person in Socotra depending on the company you use.

Flights leave on Tuesdays and Fridays, and the same plane you use to fly from Abu Dhabi to Socotra is the same flight passengers will be boarding back to the UAE once you land. Most tours operate on 8-day schedules.

how to visit Socotra
Visa and Guide Requirements 

Independent travel to Socotra is not permitted. To visit, you must hire a registered guide or travel agency, who will facilitate your visa issuance and accompany you throughout your stay. Your guide will also handle all logistics, including cooking and setting up camps, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience. You can hire these services on your own, you can split costs with loved ones joining you, or you can go with an agency that will gather a group of strangers. Don’t forget that the vehicle, staff, gas and guide are fixed prices. The more people come along, the more affordable it can be.

For EU and North American passport holders, the visa is $100 USD and is issued online by the agency. You pay for it in cash on arrival. Please ask the agency you’ll be hiring for more information. Do not forget to bring crisp, new $100 USD bills. You can read my whole Socotra packing list HERE.

Which company to choose?

You can either go with a local company or guide or an international one. Let me explain the difference between the 2 and give you some recommendations.

how to visit Socotra
Local Companies

Local companies are the most affordable ones. There won’t be a middle-man increasing prices. You’ll be directly benefiting locals this way. You’ll be treated wonderfully. However, if you’re expecting to have special requirements fulfilled and Western customer service standards, this might not be the best choice for you.

Our guide was Sami, you can contact him directly through Instagram. He works for Socotra Eco Tours, the pioneers of travel on the island. They first started offering their services more than 20 years ago to UN staff that would visit the island and eventually expanded their services. They do care about waste, sustainability, and tourists interacting respectfully with the culture and environment. They’re the ones that helped write the Socotra Bradt Guide.

International Companies

International companies definitely charge more, and might even have an international guide with you (I was there for work as one of these guides). These companies can’t issue visas so please know that you’ll be using local services either way, just paying more.

how to visit Socotra
Waking up at 3-4 am for these views? YES!

However, if you’re traveling alone and want to join a group, then hiring an international company is the way to go. You’ll be taken care of by the locals AND a travel expert. Any concerns, culture shock or additional information you might need can be addressed to the international guide directly. In terms of safety concerns (the international company can reach out to your family and loved ones directly), this might be the way to go for you.

Welcome to Socotra, Rocky Road Travel and Untamed Borders (who I work for in Iraq as an international guide) are some of the more renowned companies. You can also join this tour which is the one I led and worked for, and I’ve been working for this travel company for over 2 years now. They only work during the blooming tree season. This one is all about connections and meeting like-minded people while traveling and has an application process in place to make sure everyone gets along. Feel free to say Sibu recommended you to increase your chances of getting accepted!

how to visit Socotra
Because sometimes traveling with a group of strangers is more fun
What is included in the price?

All of your expenses, from the moment you land in Socotra to the moment you depart, should be included in the price of the package you pay. 3 meals per day plus snacks, drinks, gas, transportation, guides, the staff in charge of your camping and cooking, as well as any extra expenses you might have arranged for.

It is important to note that the visa is not included, and neither are the flights. If you would like to tip the guides, this is also money you should bring in separately. Most companies will ask you to pay for your flight in advance, as well as part of the package. The rest is usually paid on the ground. This is necessary because it’s difficult for them to get cash there. Clean, new, pristine USD bills are necessary for all this. 100s is what they usually ask for.

How long should I stay in Socotra?

Before the new flight schedule was released, most people were forced to stay 8 days, from Tuesday to Tuesday. Thanks to the new calendar availability, you can now play around with dates a bit depending on when there are flights available.

The longest people will stay is 2 weeks. In this case, you’ll go way beyond the off-the-beaten path, and even visit the smaller islands that belong to Socotra. This is something that can’t be done on a one-week schedule

how to visit Socotra
Bringing a drone is worth it! But get insurance for it just in case

Unique Features of Socotra

Why is Socotra So Special?

Socotra’s uniqueness lies in its extraordinary biodiversity. The island boasts numerous endemic (which means it can only be found in this region) species of flora and fauna, including the iconic Dragon’s Blood Tree. The alien-like landscapes, pristine beaches, and rich marine life make Socotra a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers. This is by far one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited, and I’ve been around!

Current Governance

While Socotra belongs to Yemen, it is currently governed by the UAE. Because of its strategic position, both the UAE and Saudi Arabia invest heavily on the island to ensure its stability and security. Losing access to it would mean chaos for the region and the shipping world, since Socotra lies right between East Africa and the Middle Eastern Gulf. You can read more about the moves they’ve taken to protect it here.

how to visit Socotra
We stopped by one of the villages and the kids just wanted to play with us! This girl was obsessed with my nails haha

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Fly to Socotra?

Yes, you can fly to Socotra from Abu Dhabi on one of the 2-3 weekly humanitarian flights. The process requires coordination with an agency to secure your ticket. People assume you can take a boat there – some locals do but this is quite dangerous because of the currents. The only airport on the island is in Hadibo.

Is There Internet in Socotra?

Internet access in Socotra is very limited. It’s best to prepare for a largely offline experience, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in the island’s natural beauty. You might get a sliver of signal from the mainland if you have a sim card from Oman or the UAE (I had one from Airalo for the whole region). If you really need to contact your family to let them know you’re ok, ask your local or international guide to send a quick WhatsApp message to Your family.

how to visit Socotra

Are there hotels in Socotra?

Yes, there are 2 on the whole island. However, they’re in the main cities. If you stay at one of these hotels, expect to get up at 4 am and go back late at night to be able to visit the best spots on the island.

Is it worth it to stay in hotels? In my opinion, it’s not. It’s JUST a week of camping to be able to immerse yourself in one of the most unique islands in the world. The equipment used for ours was all foreign. We didn’t have to pack or organize everything. Most importantly, we had thick mattresses placed in our tents every night for our comfort. I’ve camped in many places around the world and this was very comfortably set up.

How are the campsites in Socotra?

Don’t expect luxury, and yet, I was pleasantly surprised to find that they exceeded my expectations… which were non-existent. Don’t expect to be able to take a shower everyday. And there are a few places that don’t even have toilets in place. This is easily solved by carrying and cleaning yourself with biodegradable wipes.

how to visit Socotra

I hope this has served as a comprehensive guide to understand what it takes to visit this beautiful Island. How to visit Socotra – the process is not the easiest and it isn’t a cheap trip, but it does offer the opportunity to spend time in one of the world’s most unspoiled and biodiverse environments.

By understanding the travel logistics, safety considerations, and the island’s special features, you can plan a trip that is both safe and unforgettable. Don’t forget to check out my packing list here and if you have any specific questions, you can always reach out to the different companies or contact me directly! Happy to help out! And who knows, I might be seeing you there if one of the companies I work for sends me there again 🙂.

a woman posing in the water

Hey there, and welcome to Go Global with Sibu! I’m a global citizen that has been living and traveling around the world since 2005 – all through budget travel, scholarships, study/work and living abroad opportunities.  I share everything I’ve learned over the years here – to prove to you that you don’t need money or privilege to enjoy everything that this world has to offer. 

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